Hillary Clinton Will Endorse Joe Biden if He Runs in 2024

Hillary Clinton will endorse Joe Biden if he is running in 2024. This is an outrageous move that shows the true colors of the democratic party. They are putting their interests ahead of the American people. Biden may be the current POTUS, but he has done nothing for the American people. The fact that Hillary Clinton is endorsing him just shows how out of touch she is with reality.

Clinton’s politically motivated agenda and twisted personality won’t make a fool out of us anymore. No wonder President Trump defeated her in the 2016 elections. We remember Clinton for:

All of Clinton’s plan for supporting Biden is a total farce. The demo-rat is doing this to help him get elected so that the liberals will still be under control for several more years. However, they’re not going to fool us again. America has learned its lesson the hard way with the dems.

Clinton to Endorse Biden if He Were to Run in 2024

A few weeks ago, Hillary Clinton announced that she would endorse Biden if he ran for re-election in 2024. At the Aspen Ideas Conference, Clinton said, “I would endorse our sitting president. Yes, of course. I mean, this is a silly question.”

Clinton believes that Biden can win against President Trump no matter how many times they clash with one another. She added, “Let’s go with the person most likely to win. Joe Biden beat a huge landslide victory in the popular vote Donald Trump. I think that says a lot.”

Biden has not made an official announcement yet about running in 2024. However, his White House aides said that he intends to run for re-election.

Moreover, Kamala Harris also told reporters that she would be there to support Biden if he were to run in the next presidential elections. She said, “The president intends to run, and if he does, I will be his ticket mate. We will run together.”

In reality, Biden shouldn’t consider running for president again. The whole country has seen his cognitive decline and incompetence as a leader. We’ve noticed that:

For the most part, Biden leading America will not work again for the second time. We all know that Clinton, Harris, and Biden already lost the trust of America. Our country should see that we don’t need fake leaders like them.

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